Benjamin Domb, MD: Orthopedic Hip, Knee, and Shoulder Surgeon in Greater Chicago
Dr. Benjamin Domb offers virtual appointments, through trusted and secure telemedicine video and audio technology, to evaluate patients, gather their history and physical information, and review radiographic imaging. Virtual appointments offer patients the same level of personalized medical care that they would receive in an office-based setting. This allows patients to meet Dr. Domb and the care team virtually, prior to the actual day of the operation, in a streamlined and convenient manner. After surgery, Dr. Domb uses the same telemedicine video and audio services to provide postoperative care and support.
These visits are easy to schedule! Just call our regular office number at to set one up. You will then receive a link that you can utilize from either a computer (with video capability), smart phone, or tablet.
Whether you are a new patient or returning patient, we want your virtual appointment experience to be positive, informative, and productive. In order to ensure your appointment goes smoothly, here are a few things you should plan to do:
- Complete your New Patient Assessment form.
- Dress in comfortable clothes that allow you to move your affected joint.