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  • Back to School Sports

    Back to School Sports

    Summer is coming to an end and school is back in session! While it is time to get back to reading, math and other academic activities, many kids also look forward to going back to school for school sports! As children return to school with renewed energy and enthusiasm, they now have to change their ‘game play’ into a more disciplined one.

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  • Beat the Heat with Your Summer Workouts

    Beat the Heat with Your Summer Workouts

    With the sun glaring down on you on a hot summer day, the last thing you may want to do is exercise and end up sweating even more. However, you can still get in a workout and beat the heat.

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  • Benefits of Drinking Water

    Benefits of Drinking Water

    “Eight glasses of water a day” has become the mantra for overall good health. But, how do these 8 glasses benefit us?
    You may be surprised to learn that around 60% of your entire body is made up of water. This water is essential for many body functions, some of which have been mentioned below.

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  • How Vitamin D Affects your Bone Health

    How Vitamin D Affects your Bone Health

    Vitamin D is essential for the healthy growth and development of teeth and bones. Aptly called the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is primarily sourced from the sun’s rays. Once exposed to the sun’s rays, the body prepares the vitamin. This in turn, allows the absorption of calcium and phosphorus (obtained from the food) into bones and teeth.

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  • Diagnosing Juvenile Arthritis

    Diagnosing Juvenile Arthritis

    Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that affects the body's joints. The cushioning (cartilage) between articulating bones begins to degenerate, causing pain, stiffness and disability. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 52.5 million US adults are diagnosed with arthritis and 62% are over 65 years old. Although commonly associated with aging, arthritis can also occur in children.

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  • Protect Your ACL During Your Golf Game

    Protect Your ACL During Your Golf Game

    Golf may seem like a harmless game for your knee joint, because the sport primarily involves movements of the shoulder and arm. The golf swing is actually a complex movement that involves flexibility in some joints and stability in others. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is an important ligament that stabilizes the knee joint during movements such as rotation of the leg.

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  • Warning to Weekend Warriors

    Warning to Weekend Warriors

    Summer is around the corner and as the weather warms up, many of us like to enjoy the outdoors with our friends and family. Parks, public fields and courts get packed during the weekends. Both children and adults can take a break from school and work to indulge in some exciting sports activities.

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  • Preventing Injuries in Spring Sports

    Preventing Injuries in Spring Sports

    The weather is warming up and spring is finally here! After months of staying indoors, kids are now busy digging out their baseball gloves, cleaning off their shoes and gearing up to hit the field. Popular spring sports include soccer, baseball, tennis and track. Many of these players are unaware of the possible injuries that could take place.

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  • Treating Arthritis Without Surgery

    Treating Arthritis Without Surgery

    Around 52.5 million (22.7%) US adults suffer some form of arthritis.1 Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis: 4.9% suffer from knee osteoarthritis and 9.7%, from hip osteoarthritis.2 Most conditions can be effectively managed without the need for any invasive intervention such as surgery. Non-surgical methods can be used for some forms of arthritis to control the symptoms.

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  • Q&A with Dr. Domb: Football Injuries and Long Term Effects

    Q&A with Dr. Domb: Football Injuries and Long Term Effects

    As an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine, how do you see football impacting athletes’ health?
    As a Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgeon, I work with NFL players, as well as college and high school football players.

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