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  • Tips for Losing Weight Before Hip Replacement

    Tips for Losing Weight Before Hip Replacement

    Orthopedic surgeons often recommend that obese patients lose some weight before undergoing hip replacement. To understand why, let’s look at how excess weight affects your hip joint before, during, and after a hip replacement.

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  • Preventing Winter Sports Injuries

    Preventing Winter Sports Injuries

    Participating in winter sports is a great way to combat weight gain and stay in shape during the holiday season. Of course, when venturing out into the snow or taking part in any new activity, you must be careful to watch out for injuries that could be lurking behind every nook and cranny. Concussions, fractures, dislocations, or soft tissue injuries could easily put the best laid holiday plans on ice.

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  • Why Does Cold Weather Affect Joint Pain?

    Why Does Cold Weather Affect Joint Pain?

    Perhaps you have experienced the flare-up of a nagging joint pain triggered by the onset of winter. For some people the sensation is so finely tuned that they seem to be able to predict weather changes based on the condition of their joints.

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  • Can PRP Relieve My Hip Pain?

    Can PRP Relieve My Hip Pain?

    PRP therapy is one of the innovative breakthroughs in regenerative medicine that is helping more Americans recover faster from orthopedic injuries and remain active well into their 70s and 80s. It’s not just the weekend warriors that benefit, many top-level athletes and sportsmen have credited PRP with helping them return to their game within a matter of weeks after sustaining injury.

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  • How Does Diabetes Affect Your Joints?

    How Does Diabetes Affect Your Joints?

    Diabetes not only raises your blood sugar levels, but can have a harmful effect on your bones and joints as well. According to research studies conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 47% of arthritic patients also have diabetes, indicating a strong link between these two conditions.

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  • How Do I Know When It's Time For Hip Replacement?

    How Do I Know When It's Time For Hip Replacement?

    Did you know that every year about 300,000 people in the US alone undergo a total hip replacement with more than 90% of the people extremely happy with the results? Many individuals can get back to their active lifestyles within a few months or even weeks after the procedure.

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  • Am I a Candidate for PRP Injections?

    Am I a Candidate for PRP Injections?

    Do you have a tendon injury that stubbornly refuses to heal? Are you unable to put stress on your joint without experiencing pain? The reason damaged tendons, cartilages, and ligaments heal slowly is that they have limited blood supply and do not get enough nourishment or stimulus to re-grow after injury as compared to other tissues of the body.

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  • The Most Common Injuries in the NFL

    The Most Common Injuries in the NFL

    Football is a high contact sport associated with a high frequency of injuries despite extensive protective gear. Injuries may occur while tackling, throwing, kicking, catching, and running with sudden changes in speed and direction. Some injuries occur as a result of a sudden impact, while other injuries result from repeated stresses (overuse injuries).

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  • Physical Therapy for Hip Injuries

    Physical Therapy for Hip Injuries

    Your hips are one of the sturdiest joints of your body. For athletes, an injury to the hip could be career ending if treatment and therapy is not received in a timely manner. For the elderly, a hip injury could mean loss of independence and having to rely on others for personal needs. Here are a few common hip injuries and physical therapy exercises that may help resolve them:

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  • How to Improve Your Balance to Prevent Falls

    How to Improve Your Balance to Prevent Falls

    Every year, more than 2 million Americans are treated in the emergency room for injuries related to falls. The consequences of falling at an old age can be quite severe given the lowered bone density, weakened muscles, and decreased capacity of the body the heal itself as you grow older. In fact, falls are the leading cause of accidental deaths in the people above the age of 65.

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