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  • Prevent the Most Common Football Injuries

    Prevent the Most Common Football Injuries

    Few sports can generate the kind of passion that football does. The strategizing to create the perfect game plan, the speed of play, and the sheer size of the players can create edge-of-the-seat excitement second to none. Due to the physical nature of the game, football does have its fair share of injures right from minor sprains, strains, torn ligaments and tendons to more severe fractures, concussions, and spine injuries.

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  • 7 Benefits to Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement

    7 Benefits to Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement

    Getting fitted with a completely new hip joint through a small incision may seem like science fiction, but this is possible today thanks to the significant advances in medical science and technology.

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  • Nutrition for Your Joints

    Nutrition for Your Joints

    Bones are living tissues that are constantly changing their structure and composition. As we grow, old bone is constantly being resorbed and new bone formed. By the age of 30, new bone formation begins to slow down resulting in thinning of bone and stiffness in the joints.

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  • 3 Important Baseball Stretches to Minimize Injury

    3 Important Baseball Stretches to Minimize Injury

    Baseball players are susceptible to a wide range of injuries during the game. These include
    acute injuries such as ligament and tendon tears that can occur while running as well as overuse injuries of the pitching arm such as rotator cuff tendonitis or elbow tendonitis.

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  • 4 Questions to Ask your Physical Therapist

    4 Questions to Ask your Physical Therapist

    Physical therapists are experts in body movement. They help improve or restore mobility and reduce painful symptoms through different modalities of treatment. Physical therapy may be recommended after undergoing surgery to help you return to activities of daily living.

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  • The Best Football Stretches

    The Best Football Stretches

    With the official National Football League Season kicking off in a couple of weeks, there is undoubtedly a lot of excitement in the air. Hopefully, injuries to star athletes will not play a decisive role in the outcome of the games this season.

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  • The Importance of Prehabilitation Prior to Hip Surgery

    The Importance of Prehabilitation Prior to Hip Surgery

    Often, a hip injury or a degenerative joint condition of the hip will cause you to move the hip joint less. This will naturally result in weakening of the surrounding hip musculature. The problem with your hip may be rectified with surgery

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  • Protect Your Young Athletes from Injury

    Protect Your Young Athletes from Injury

    Children can learn a lot from participating in sports. The qualities of hard work, discipline, and good sportsmanship are of great value not only in the sporting arena, but also in the game of life.

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  • How Do I Know It's Time for Surgery?

    How Do I Know It's Time for Surgery?

    Orthopedic surgery helps millions of people with debilitating injury or disease return to their active lifestyles every year.

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  • Beat the Heat: Tips to Exercise in the Summer

    Beat the Heat: Tips to Exercise in the Summer

    The summer time offers you an opportunity to get out of the gym and exercise in the great outdoors.

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